Events API reference

Events API provides three method that can be used for listening and triggering events in the view and model.

These methods work exactly the same in both views and models

On on( event, fn )

on() method, is used to listen for events and calling an function when such event is fired.


// Model
var PostModel = Gillie.Model.extend({

        url: 'http://localhost/api/v1/'

    ,   create: function() {
            this.Post( 'post/', 'post.create' );

// Create model instance
postModel = new PostModel({
        title: 'New post title'
    ,   description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'

// View
var PostsView = Gillie.View.extend({

        initialize: function() {

            // Listen to model 'posts.create' event
            postModel.on( 'posts.create', this.onCreate );

        // Fired when 'posts.create' is triggered
    ,   this.onCreate: function( postInstance ) {

            console.log( postInstance.get( 'title' ) +
                '. Has been created.'
postView = new PostView();

// So now it we save the post using `create` model method,
// the view will reach when the post is saved.
postModel.create(); // New post title. Has been created.


Param Type Details
event string or object Event we want to bind to. Or object with key, value event name and callback.
fn, callback function Function to call when the event is triggered.


self instance


Trigger trigger( event, data )

Trigger an event passing the specified arguments to the listeners.


// Create model and model instance
var PostModel = Gillie.Model.extend({});
var postModel = new PostModel();

// View
var PostView = Gillie.View.extend({

        initialize: function() {
            postModel.on( 'post.custom_event', this.onCustomEvent );

    ,   onCustomEvent: function( str, obj ) {

            console.log( str ); // Additional data
            console.log( obj ); // { one: 1, two: 2 }

// Create View instances
var postView = new PostView();

    ,   'Additional data'
    ,   { one: 1, two: 2 }


Param Type Details
event string Event we want to trigger.
data mixed Data we want to pass to listeners. It can be one or multiple arguments.


Self instance


Listen to obejct.listenTo( object, event, fn )

listenTo makes an object listen for other object an event and trigger a callback when the event is fired.


var PostModel = Gillie.Model.extend({});
var postModel = new PostModel();

// View
var PostView = Gillie.View.extend({

    onEdit: function( attributes ) {
        console.log( attributes ); // { title: 'New title' }
var postView = new PostView();

// Listen for model 'post.change' event
postView.listenTo( postModel, 'post.change', postView.onEdit );

// Trigger model event
postModel.set( 'title', 'New title' )
    .trigger( 'post.change', postModel.toJSON() );


Param Type Details
object object Object where we want to listen for the event
event string Name of the event we want to listen to
fn function Callback function to trigger when the event is fired
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